This is a blog for reviews and articles about Adobe (Formerly Macromedia)Products, Flash 8 and graphic and animation technologies.

Monday, August 29, 2005

Reviewing Model RIG Animate 3DS Max 7 (Reviewed by: Rafiq R. Elmansy)

Have you ever thought in creating 3D character? If so, then you must asked yourself the following questions:

1-     How do I model my character?
2-     How do I enhance my character look with materials?
3-     How do I animate my new character?


These questions form the basic steps to bring your character to life. Michele Bousquet has answered them in his book Model RIG Animate with 3DS Max 7.


The first and the second chapters answer the first two questions about modeling and adding materials to the character. Starting with pre-training on the tools used in modeling and adding materials, Michele goes step by step in his tutorial and applies each tool on the example included in the book CD.


The preparation for animation process is covered well in the third, fourth and fifth chapters. Chapter 3 teaches you how to assign bones for the model. Adding RIGs to the bones process is described in chapter 4. After completing the bones, chapter 5 is concerned with associating the bones with the model, which is known as the skinning.


My favorite topic, animating the model, is covered in the last two chapters. Chapter 7 is concerned with the character modeling, when chapter 8 concentrates on the facial animation.


This book is a must-have reference for animators, designers and teachers who want to deliver the modeling and animation with rigging features in 3DS Max7 in a simple focused way.

Product Details:

Book Name: Model, Rig, Animate with 3ds max 7

Written by: Michele Bousquet

Publisher: New Riders Press

ISBN: 0321321782